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I worked mainly on the design and depot - logic on our project. Our application makes it possible to generate an annual report about the transactions made + the taxes to be paid. We got the inspiration from Blockpit.

  • Electron Framework
  • UX and UI Design
  • Front End Development
  • Animations
Overview of transactions

The problem

Income tax is incurred when trading in cryptocurrency. However, in order to pay this tax properly, a precise documentation of all income is required. This was also the case with our client. For a long time, he wrote this manually down in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Currently, he uses a tool that carries out the documentation automatically, but it costs a high monthly amount. So the primary goal for our project was to create a free version of automatically creating tax reports.

A set of components for the design of taxdoe

The design system

In order to implement the design in the best possible way, it was necessary to create wireframes, which we discussed in detail. So we were able to make possible improvements.

Overview of multiple depots

Manage multiple depots

We offer the ability to handle multiple depots from BitPanda. This is very useful, because you get a great overview in the dashboard. And with a simple click on download report you have your annual report ready, which includes all your depots.

crypto concurrency background

Easy to use

It was very important for us to create an easy to use and clear program. In order that the user can generate his annual report as easily as possible.

Multi-user System

A major part of our project was being able to create multiple accounts. This is especially beneficial for people who have more than one BitPanda Account.

login/register page

A simple clear tax report

The most powerful aspect of the platform is the ability to create a annual report, whether it be a bitcoin, ethereum, dogecoin or any other crypto concurreny.

page where you can download your report
generated report

Project outcomes

Ultimately the project was successful and our client was happy for getting it.